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Passion and Fire February 21, 2008

Posted by Andrew Killick (Publishing Manager) in 3. Castle Books, Passion and Fire.
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Passion and Fire coverLate last year, Castle published a brilliant new book called Passion and Fire: Igniting Your Passion for God by Nathan Shaw. This is Nathan’s second book – his first was published in the States. Passion and Fire carries a foreword by well-known Christian author, John Loren Sandford.

At Castle we are excited about this book, not least of all because it adds another excellent author to our list, but also because Nathan is presenting a crucial message. From what I’ve noticed recently, there seems to be a growing desire amongst Christians to connect with God at a deeper level, and I believe this desire is being sparked by the Holy Spirit. Nathan’s book comes at exactly the right time.

I highly recommend Passion and Fire, not because this is a Castle title and I’d like to see it sell really well, but because I genuinely believe this book can help change your life and enhance your relationship with God.

In the coming weeks, we hope to be able to bring you a short interview with Nathan here on the blog, so that you can hear about why he wrote the book and more.

If you’d like to order Passion and Fire contact us.